Level Three - Market Mastery & Wisdom
Level three of education is focused on doing analysis of the LIVE markets and applying everything learned from levels 1 and 2 and combining the new lessons taught within level 3 and using the concepts and principles learned to do accurate, real and true analysis on the charts, forecast future moves and engage the markets with positions in our portfolio's.
The Force of Price: the force of price is one of the most advanced topics of study. The reason for this is because the forces that come into play are the most important reasons why price moves up and down. Knowing which forces have been put into play will reveal the trajectory of price and it's eventual destination. The force of price is a BRAND NEW concept that was conceived out of countless hours of market study using the Trivium method. It is a topic much discussed in the school and it's study continues to this very day in our endeavour to learn more about these forces and to use the knowledge gained to more accurately time our entries, place our stops and determine the best targets. In addition to this, understanding the forces that are contained in the markets will enable the student to predict market moves with incredible accuracy.
The Market Sequence: the markets have a very predicable way of moving and since we know this to be true we can anticipate the moves that are expected based on what the current dynamics of the charts are. There are events that take place of each of the timeframes we monitor and when those events occur in the sequence we know them to play out, then we can predict the moves that are to come with incredible accuracy. In level 3 we will be looking at the LIVE markets and will be discussing these sequences of events and point out WHERE they are occurring and discuss WHY they are occurring. We will then forecast the expected moves and then later on discuss the accuracy of the forecasts.
Personal Portfolio Management: We don't trade the markets to bring in some profit on a few good trades. Our focus is the build a professional portfolio using advanced techniques of keeping risk very low but building the upside potential as price plays out in favour of the trade. Our goal is to last in this business for the rest of our lifetime. Where many traders fail is they lack the understanding of how the markets dynamics shift and not being able to see the dangers in that. Being able to adjust constantly to new information we receive from the markets is what keeps us always ahead of the markets. Building a portfolio that is STRONG, UNTOUCHABLE and BULLETPROOF.
Professional Money Management: Today there are many opportunities to manage money on behalf of investors looking for a SOLID trader that can perform reliably over the long term. Now more than ever, economic conditions are causing more and more investors to look for alternative means to bring in an income and this is ONLY going to get BIGGER! This is why our long term focus is geared towards teaching traders how to meet the needs of those investors.
Imagine having a 10k account and yet you are able to make 20k - 30k conservatively each month.
SOUND IMPOSSIBLE? It's not, and there are traders doing just that right NOW!
What do you need to do to gain access to these investors?
You need to make at least 20% - 30% returns each year with LOW drawdowns
This is what we teach you! Anyone can have a good year and bring in those returns but
PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS with BIG money want someone who is consistent. Someone
who knows when to strike and when to sit on the sidelines and avoid large loses.