Congrats on making it to the 2 yr. anniversary!!! I truly love the content you put out, thank you! I am considering joining white oak but I do have some reserves. I do not trade currencies or commodities. I was a stock broker from 98-08 before opening a few restaurants. Last year I was involved in a accident that left me unable to perform my duties that led me back to the markets. For the last year I have been trading options . I have been trading gld which led me down the path to find your cot report. Very insightful! I was able to get out at the top with your help, whereas I would have definitely held looking for new highs vs the pullback so ty.
My reservation on joining is in regards to the fact that I trade different markets. I have spent hundreds of hours going over charts and pattern recognition but your theories on supply and demand are on another level. A level I wish to learn but would this require me to change all that I have been doing for the last year? I use tradingview for charting and Interactive Broker for my platform. Does your training apply to the equities market or would I essentially need to overhaul everything? I am not against trading other markets I am just not as familiar.
Yes what we do applies to the equities market as well but what i found is that the currency and commodity markets are a lot more predictable and stable then the stock market.
I've traded all markets and settled with the currencies , plus gold and oil because of their reliability. They hold trends well, for a long time, big moves, always liquid, so many benefits.
We use tradingview as well and I used to use IB as well, I changed my broker so I could trade in CFD"s which allow me to get in with smaller size with gold and oil for certain types of trades.
Really consider shifting your focus on these markets and in time you'll see why. You're only a year in which is not a lot so shifting now is no big deal. Just my opinion.
Kevin Collage er for my platform. Does your training apply to the equities market or would I essentially need to overhaul everything? I am not against trading other markets I am just not as familiar.